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Drug Abuse in UK

Drug Abuse in UK
1000 words , undergraduate first year
friday afternoon deadline,
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.


You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.


To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.
Module: FC040 – Statistics for the Social Sciences
Tutors: Dave Thornes (Group A), Ting Qiu (Group B)
Deadline: Friday 13th November 2015 (Week 8)
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
• This Assessment is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module. Your work will be marked out of 100.
• Your work should be equivalent to 1000 words (+/-10%) in length.
• The aim of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to investigate a social or business issue, of your choice, using statistical techniques, analysis and interpretation.
• The deadline for this piece of work is stated above
• Your work must be formally submitted in class by the deadline given above.
• Work submitted after this date will receive a reduced mark in line with college policy

Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.

Note that this is an individual investigation! It must be your own individual and original work.

DO NOT SHOW OTHERS STUDENTS WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN – this is collusion and is a serious academic offence.

DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK OR FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE – this is plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.

Remember, when you submit your work, you sign a declaration confirming that it does not contravene the College’s Regulations on Academic Misconduct.

You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.

To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.

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Drug Abuse in UK

Drug Abuse in UK
1000 words , undergraduate first year
friday afternoon deadline,
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.


You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.


To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.
Module: FC040 – Statistics for the Social Sciences
Tutors: Dave Thornes (Group A), Ting Qiu (Group B)
Deadline: Friday 13th November 2015 (Week 8)
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
• This Assessment is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module. Your work will be marked out of 100.
• Your work should be equivalent to 1000 words (+/-10%) in length.
• The aim of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to investigate a social or business issue, of your choice, using statistical techniques, analysis and interpretation.
• The deadline for this piece of work is stated above
• Your work must be formally submitted in class by the deadline given above.
• Work submitted after this date will receive a reduced mark in line with college policy

Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.

Note that this is an individual investigation! It must be your own individual and original work.

DO NOT SHOW OTHERS STUDENTS WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN – this is collusion and is a serious academic offence.

DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK OR FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE – this is plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.

Remember, when you submit your work, you sign a declaration confirming that it does not contravene the College’s Regulations on Academic Misconduct.

You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.

To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Drug Abuse in UK

Drug Abuse in UK
1000 words , undergraduate first year
friday afternoon deadline,
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.


You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.


To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.
Module: FC040 – Statistics for the Social Sciences
Tutors: Dave Thornes (Group A), Ting Qiu (Group B)
Deadline: Friday 13th November 2015 (Week 8)
Title: Statistical Research Project
Task: Investigate a social, legal or business issue by gathering, analysing and interpreting data.
• This Assessment is worth 50% of the overall mark for this module. Your work will be marked out of 100.
• Your work should be equivalent to 1000 words (+/-10%) in length.
• The aim of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to investigate a social or business issue, of your choice, using statistical techniques, analysis and interpretation.
• The deadline for this piece of work is stated above
• Your work must be formally submitted in class by the deadline given above.
• Work submitted after this date will receive a reduced mark in line with college policy

Learning Outcomes – The learning outcomes being assessed in this research project are:
• Understand the principles of Collection, Summary and Organisation of data.
• Present and interpret collected data
• Calculate, interpret and use Averages and other summary measures such as the Range and Standard Deviation.

Note that this is an individual investigation! It must be your own individual and original work.

DO NOT SHOW OTHERS STUDENTS WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN – this is collusion and is a serious academic offence.

DO NOT COPY ANOTHER STUDENT’S WORK OR FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE – this is plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.

Remember, when you submit your work, you sign a declaration confirming that it does not contravene the College’s Regulations on Academic Misconduct.

You must ensure that all assignments you submit are your own work.
Any ideas or theories based on the work of other writers must be fully acknowledged and correctly referenced both within the text and the bibliography/reference list.
It is unacceptable to quote major sections of text, even if this has been fully referenced.

To complete your Research Project you will need to complete all of the following tasks:

1. Decide upon the issue you wish to research. It may be related to business, law or the social sciences. (i.e. the changes in unemployment statistics over time, the fluctuations in GDP in developing countries, exam success rates in single sex schools compared to mixed schools, etc.)
• You need to set yourself a research question for this part
2. You are required to collect some secondary data, from academic sources, relating to your subject area. (You must include a copy of the data you use in your appendices.) The data you select is up to you, but you must collect sufficient data to allow you to research your subject in enough depth.
3. Use a range of appropriate statistical techniques to display and process this data. (i.e. scatter diagrams, histograms, pie charts, cumulative frequency curves, measures of average, etc.)
4. Analyse what your data shows, and wherever possible, consider the impact of any extraneous variables. You may also wish to consider any criticisms of the data you have used at this point.
• This part might involve answering the question you set yourself in part 1 (above)
5. Outline and discuss any issues you think might relate to the original collection of the data you have used in your report. Your discussion should include the following points;
• An outline of how the data were (or might have been) collected.
• A discussion of some of the problems that might have been experienced by the researchers in collecting this data.
• Your ideas about how to improve on this data collection technique and why you think your method would be better

Marking Criteria – Marks for this research project are awarded according to the following criteria:
a) the extent to which your calculations, presentation of data, and what you write, are accurate and appropriate;
b) the quality and depth of critical analysis (not just description!);
c) how fully you investigate and critically analyse the data collection technique;
d) the extent to which your work is coherently structured;
e) the accurate referencing of the texts and data sources used in your analysis.

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